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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Daily Grill - 41

Who is he?

Connect it to a personality

Identify the monument
[Hint: Aurangzeb]

Recently Celina Jaitley released this magazine at Mumbai, what is so special about this magazine

Identify the company from its logo
[Hint: Current Affairs India - May 2009]

Answers : The Daily Grill - 41

1. Ken Barbie's Boyfriend

2. Donald Trump;

He is associated with WWE, he hosts the show TheApprentice on NBC, 'Yor're Fired' is a famous dialouge from the sameshow and he owns the Miss Universe Organization and Taj Mahal Casino &Resorts

3. Bibi ka Maqbara, Aurangabad;

4. Bombay Dost, First Gay Magazine in India

5. Airworks [remember Anil Ambani's charter plane case]


Melissa said...

Re: The Taj Mahal, you may enjoy watching the film entitled, Slumdog Millionaire. It's captivating.

Thank you, kindly, for the trivia.

Mahip Vyas said...

Nah, Taj Mahal is not the correct answer. This monument is called "Bibi ka Makbara" [English Translation: "Tomb with the grave of someone's Wife"].

This someone was Price Aurangzeb, son of ShahJahan who made Taj Mahal in the memory of his beloved wife. Prince Aurangzeb wanted to construct a replica of Taj Mahal in memory of his wife at a town in India called Aurangabad, named after Aurangzeb. But the design went horibbly wrong and in the end it could not become a replica of the Taj Mahal. As it is said, there can be only one Taj in this world. :)

And Slumdog Millionaire is nice, which also has a small feature of Taj Mahal where the two kids pretend to become tour guides cum thieves.