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Friday, October 16, 2009

Forbes India Daily Grill-155

Who is this gentleman, he was first to present the Union Budget of India.

Identify the website from its logo.

Identify the businessman next to Gandhi ji.

This is logo of one of the oldest merchant bank which collapsed in 1995 due to one of its employee.

What was started?

Answers: Forbes India Daily Grill-155
R.K.Shanmukam Chetty
Ghanshyam Das Birla
Baring Bank
Planet Hollywood

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Unknown said...

1. R.K. Shamugam Shetty
2. Macquire Bank
3. J.D. Birla
4. Barings Bank
5. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Willis, Demi Moore and Sylvester Stallone - Planet Hollywood Grand Opening in Beverly Hills

Unknown said...

Missed the color
2nd is simplest Orkut