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Saturday, February 2, 2008

The Daily Grill-02

Q1: Identify the logo:

Q2: Identify the advertisement:

Q3: Identify the famous personality:

Q4: Which Indian product is branded as “toehold” in Europe?


1. Carrefour (French retail giant)
2. Bajaj Fans
3. Roman Abramowich (Owner of the Chelsea team)
4. Kolhapuri Sandals
5. Kurt Cobain (It is Kurt Cobain’s Suicide Note, who was the singer, guitarist, and songwriter of the rock band Nirvana.). People have missed by answering it as Nirvana, but the connect is not the band but Kurt Cobain.

Rohit Sahni (3)
Nand Kishore Nagar (3)
Nirav Trivedi (2)

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