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Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Daily Grill - 91

Connect the two pictures to a very renowed book.

Identify the person in turban. Some of his professions include manufacturing looking mirror, soap business, carpentry job, cloth merchant, hardware business, rice trading and running a Tonga in New Delhi.

Identify the logo of a brand, which has now became a generic product name.

Connect to a French company.

As the Cricket World Cup in 1996 was every guy’s ultimate idea of fun and enjoyment. So the company thought shouldn’t it be every girl’s idea of non-stop fun. And thus the brand was born in 1997. Its name was derived from a spin-off from the cricketing term ‘spin’ and the brand quickly bowled over the minds and imagination of many.
Which brand?

The Brief History of Time; Author Stephen Hawkins
Mahashay Dharmpal of MDH
Pearl PET

Arnav Patra
Shashank Shekhar Suman

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1 comment:

Harshvardhan Agrawal said...

3. Tetrapack
4. Sagem
5. CavinKare's SPinz
