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Friday, February 19, 2010

The Mini Daily Grill - 231

This airline featured in Tintin's comic and the airline used Tintin for its brand building.
[Both belong to the same country]. After bankruptcy, how is it better known as?
Mini Daily Grill-231
Answer:Brussels Airlines (previously known as Sabena). Country: Belgium

Arnav Patra
Ankit Maheshwari
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Arnav said...

Present Name: Brussels Airlines

Older Name: SN Brussels Airlines

www.guessthelogo.blogspot.com said...

brussels airlines??
The logo is of brussels airlines.

Kaushik said...

Sabena Airlines. After its bankruptcy in 2001, the newly-formed SN Brussels Airlines took over part of SABENA's assets in February 2002, which then became Brussels Airlines

Ankit Maheshwari said...

Brussels Airlines