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Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Daily Grill - 184

Identify the film production house from the pictures.

Identify the new company from the world of entertainment.

Identify the very famous film Production House from its logo.

Connect these to Indian Film Production house.

In the above equation, identify the production house.

Answers: The Daily Grill-184
Shree Ashtavinayak Cine Vision
UTV's Spotboy Productions[Iranian film director Majid Majidi, JV with Virgin Comics]
Mukta Arts
Vinod Chopra Productions
Dharma Productions [Dharma Productions+Prannoy Roy's NDTV =NDTV Imagine]


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Unknown said...

1. Shree Ashtavinayak Cine Vision (picture shows location of the Ganesh temples and the logo)
2. UTV's Spotboy Productions - Welcome to Sajjanpur poster as it is has signed on Shyam Benegal, picture of Majid Majidi who has also been signed on and logo of Virgin Comics who they have a p'ship with. Partly hidden logo of UTV in the background.
3. Mukta Arts
4. Vinod Chopra Productions - who have produced Eklavya (hence illustration) and 3 Idiots
5. NDTV Imagine - owned by Karan Johar's Dharma Productions and Prannoy Roy's NDTV

Kushal said...

1. Shree Ashtavinayak cinevision.
2. UTV Spotboy motion Pictures.
3. Mukta arts.
4. Vinod chopra Productions.
5. Dharma Productions.