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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Daily Grill - 188

Connect all these pictures to a personality in world of quizzing.

Connect all these pictures to a well known name in media.

He a very known name in the world of quizzing. Name him.

Connect these picture to a famous name in media.

Identify the person to whom all these pictures point.

Answers: The Daily Grill-188
Giri 'Pikibrain' Balasubhramanium
Siddharth Basu
Derek O'Brian
Harsha Bhogle
Anil Kapoor

Manas Nayak
Valmik Mirani

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kushal said...

1. Giri Balasubramaniam.
2. Siddharth Basu.
3. Derek O'Brein.
4. Harsha Bhogle.
5. Anil Kapoor.

QuizMasterManasNayak said...

1.pickbrain giri subramanium
2.Siddharth Basu
3.Derek o'brien
4.Harsha Bhogle
5.Anil Kapoor

www.guessthelogo.blogspot.com said...

1. Giri Balasubramaniam aka Pickbrain
2. Siddharth Basu
3. Dereck O'Brain
5. Anil Kapoor????

Sai G said...

1. Giri Balasubramaniam
2.Sidhartha Basu
3. derek o brien
4. harsha bhogle

Don Quixote said...

1.Pickbrain Giri Balasubramaniam
2.sidhartha basu
4.Harsha Bhogle

Unknown said...

1. Giri "Pickbrain" Balasubramaniam
2. Siddhartha Basu
3. Derek O'Brien
4. Harsha Bhogle
5. Anil Kapoor

Balaji Subramanian said...

1.giri balasubramaniam...
3. derek obrien??