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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Daily Grill-05

Q 1: Identify this personality.

Q 2: On what occasion did TIME magazine use this cover?

Q 3: They were invited to Charles Camilla wedding.Richard Branson dressed like one while launching flight to Mumbai. Management students swear by their model. Whom are we talking about?

Q 4 : Identify the advertisement.

Q 5: The following images give rise to the logo & name of a brand. Identify.

1. George W Bush
2. "India: Liberty and Death" Time Magazine Cover, October 27, 1947. On the partition.
3. Mumbai dabbawallahs
4. Nivea for men
5. Picasa
['Picasa' is a wordplay on the name of the Spanish painter, Pablo Picasso, and the Spanish word casa for "house"; the symbol is a stylized house formed from the aperture blades of a photographic lens.]
Varun Singh (5) IIM-K

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