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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Daily Grill-13

Q 1: Identify the ad.

Q 2: Connect to a brand.

Q 3: The base is defended by towers. "Ancient" must be protected to avoid defeat. Individual heroes fight against the enemies. What are we talking about?

Q 4: Identify the logo.

Q 5: Connect to a personality.

1. Surf (Famous "Lalitaji" Ad)
2. Hercules ( The constellation shown is Hercules. Walt Disney made an animation movie called Hercules. Hercules is a brand of TI Cycles from the conglomerate Murugappa Group whose logos are given in the picture.)
3. Defense of the Ancients or DotA, a LAN game.
4. Commonwealth Bank (Sponsor of the tri nation ODI cricket series in Australia 2008)
5. Tony Blair ( Appointed Senior Advisor to JPMorgan Chase(logo) and former PM of the UK. Also, Cherie Blair his wife in the picture.)

Winners [All correct]
1. Santosh Patil (Milwaukee, USA)
2. Yogesh Bhale (TCS, USA )
3. Ashwini Sharad Pore (Infosys)

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