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Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Daily Grill - 185

Kasturi & Sons Ltd., (KSL) is the holding company of this group of publications.
Which group?

Founded in 1929, who is the publisher of Business Week?

Connect all to a common media group in India

Owned by India's largest media groups and the brand leader in eastern India. Name it.

Founded by Mr. S.K. Sachdeva this is "India's largest" GK magazine. Name it.

Answers: The Daily Grill-185
The Hindu
Tata McGraw Hills
Outlook Publishing(India) Pvt. Ltd.
Anand Bazaar Patrika
Competition Success Review


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Unknown said...

1. The Hindu Group
2. Mc-Graw Hill
3. The Outlook Group
4. The ABP Group (Ananda Bazaar Patrika)
5. Competition Success Review

Kushal said...

1. The Hindu.
2. The Mc-grawhill companies.
3. Outlook Publishing.
4. AnandaBazar patrika (ABP)Group.
5. Competition success review.