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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Forbes India Daily Grill-181

Identify the logo of a very famous Indian storage company.

Identify the world leading brand from the world of luggage accessories.

These two celebrities endorses which India hotel brand?

Which world leading group own all these leading companies?

The cigarette box proudly flaunts 'W.D. & H.O.', but what does it stands for?

Answers: Forbes India Daily Grill-181
Moser Baer
Gateway Hotel
Wire and Plastic Products (WPP)
William Day Wills and Henry Overton Wills

Rajesh Koladiya

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Rituraj said...

1-Moser Baer
3-Gateway Hotel
4-oglivy & mather
5-William Day Wills and Henry Overton Wills

Mrinalini said...

1. Moserbaer (storage solutions)
2. Samsonite (luggage accessories)
3. Gateway Hotel
4. WPP
5. W.D=William Day and H.O=Henry Overton

Kushal said...

1. Moser baer
2. Samsonite
3. Gateway hotel
4. Wire & plastic product (WPP)
5. William & henry overton