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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Forbes India Daily Grill-182

Which organization was founded by these great people?

Identify the international organization.

Which organization was a result of this picture?

Connect these pictures to a trade union.

Identify from the pictures, which organization was created?

Answers: The Daily Grill-182
Non Aligned Movement (NAM)
World Trade Organisation (WTO)
United Nations
Indian National Trade Union Congress
Confederation of Indian Industries(CII)


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Kushal said...

1. Non Aligned movement.
2. World Trade Organisation.
3. United Nations.
4. Indian National trade union congress.
5.Confederation of Indian Industries.

Unknown said...

1. Non Aligned Movement (NAM)
2. WTO - World Trade Organization
3. United Nations
4. INTUC - trade union division of the Congress party
5. CII - Confederation of Indian Industry