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Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Daily Grill-25

Q 1: Identify the product advertised in this Ad. Also identify the brand.

Q 2: Which brand derives its name from the lead character in the picture below?

Q 3: Connect.

Q 4: Identify the personality.
[Hint: Auto]

Q 5: Identify the brand.
[Hint: Look carefully.]

1. Bausch & Lomb Contact lenses. Notice that Gandhiji is not wearing glasses. ;)
2. Nivea. It means Snow-White.
3. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) [ The Silver Spring monkeys because of which it gained popularity, the two founders Ingrid Newkirk and Alexander Fernando Pacheco. They generally promote the group by "nude" ads advocating no use of animal fur.]
4. Lido Anthony "Lee" Iacocca [Famous for Ford and Chrysler Corp.]
5. Home Lights match sticks! [Yaya, we know it's tough to get the exact Brand name! Guessing the product is also fine!]

Winners: None. Nobody could answer all answers correctly.

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