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Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Daily Grill-33

Q 1: Identify the ad.
[Hint: Font]

Q 2: Bull $%#&*^$& !!! Can you identify all the Bulls in the picture?

Q 3: Connect.

Q 4: Which country's emblem is it?

Q 5: Connect!

1. Aerial - Stain removal pen
2. (1)GNU (2)Lamborghini (3)Red Bull (4)Merrill Lynch (5)Chicago Bulls
3. Dr APJ Kalam (Alumni of King's College London,Born in Rameshwaram, Presidential Standard)
4. Nepal
5. Dr Homi J Bhaba (Cambridge, Died in an air crash on Mont Blanc, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research logo of the Banyan Tree)

Yogesh Bhale (TCS, USA)
Ashwini Pore - Infosys
Santosh Patil (Milawaukee, USA)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Third question is Dr. Vikram Sarabhai...not APJ Abdul Kalam.