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Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Daily Grill-30

Q 1: Identify the ad.

Q 2: Identify the logo.
[Hint: Salaam Namaste]

Q 3: Identify the movie.

Q 4: Identify the painting.

Q 5: Idnetify the famous fictional personality.

1. indiatimes.com
2. Ben & Jerrys brand of Ice Cream. Saif and Priety sing a song when they go for eating this icecream in the movie Salaam Namaste.
3. Pather Panchali, (First Film from Apu Trilogy) of Satyajeet Ray.
4. "The Kiss of Judas"
5. James Bond, a fictional character created in 1952 by writer Ian Fleming.

Ashok Kumar - IT, BHU
Yogesh Bhale (TCS, USA)
Ashwini Pore - Infosys
Arnav Kumar Patra - IT, BHU
Santosh Patil (Milawaukee, USA)

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