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Thursday, March 6, 2008

The Daily Grill-27

Q 1: Identify the product advertised and the brand

Q 2: Which organization was formed as a result of a bicycle tour organised by John Dengler in 1933?

Q 3: Connect.

Q 4: Identify.
[Hint:Item Song in the Hindi movie Gangajal]

Q 5: This is a brand promotion ad for a Golf event. Which brand is advertised?

1. Samsung Mobile Phone with Tracking Technology.
2. Students International Travel Association(SITA)
3. Hawk-Eye [Hawk-Eye is a computer system used in cricket, tennis and other sports to track the path of the ball.]
4. Rhea Pillai [Item girl in Gangajal was Manyata who married to Sanjay Dutt recently. Rhea Pillai is Sanjay's ex-wife.]
5. Audi

Ashwini Pore - Infosys Technologies
Yogesh Bhale (TCS, USA )

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